Yes, please! Help me launch my podcast!
Schedule your 30 minute Clarity Session today. We will chat about your needs and determine if this is the right package for you. No obligation.

Imagine what it would feel like to...
🎤 Reach more people and grow your audience.
🎤 Get up close and personal with your ideal client & build rapport.
🎤 Have a captive audience for 30-60 minutes.
🎤 Position yourself as the authority in your space.
🎤 Have another platform to promote your products & services.
🎤 Skip the learning curve trying to figure out what softwares to use, what steps to take, where to look, and HOW to pull it all together!
🎤 Have an organized and seamless process for producing podcast episodes.
🎤 Focus only on hitting record and conducting your interview.
🎤 Reduce the feeling of overwhelm, stress and frustration.
🎤 Save valuable time to do the things you actually enjoy doing, like interviewing your guest and sharing your knowledge.
🎤 Finally, see your podcast pop up on your podcast app!!
🎤 Share your gifts with the world...which is why you are on this journey.

Included in package:
- Podcast cover art thumbnail
- Intro and outro with music created, with commercial rights
- 3 edited podcast episodes, with intro, outro, one commercial, and ID3 tags
- Podcast host account opened and setup
- 3 episodes distributed to podcast player directories
- Podcast submitted to Apple Podcast and Spotify for approval
- Shownotes for first 3 episodes
- 2 video/audio clips pulled from each episode to be used for social media/promotion + graphics (reels)
- Podcast page created on website
- Branded website episode graphics template
- Website episode graphics for the first 3 episodes
- YouTube Channel + podcast created with branded graphics
- YouTube thumbnail template
- First 3 episodes edited and uploaded to YouTube
- Guest mini marketing kit:
- Email template for guest outreach
- Email template for guest upon acceptance with details
- Recording tips for successful interview
- Email template for guests upon live interview with graphics and social media caption suggestions
- Final assets package to include:
- All created graphics, organized in folders
- Editable branded website episode graphics template
- Intro and outro files
- Guest mini marketing kit
- Instructional video for uploading edited episodes to podcast platform
- Instructional video for editing website episode graphics
Yes, please! Help me launch my podcast!!
Schedule your 30 minute Clarity Session today. We will chat about your needs and determine if this is the right package for you. No obligation.


Included in package:
(per episode)
- Edited podcast episode, with intro, outro, one commercial, and ID3 tags
- Description for episode
- Episode distributed to podcast player directories
- Shownotes for episode created
- 5 quotes/captions pulled from episode to be used for social media / promotion
- Graphics for quotes for social media use
- Audiogram
- Website episode graphics created
- Social media for episode scheduled
Guest Outreach Option:
- Research potential guests or from provided list of desired guests, find contact information
- Email outreach template created
- Outreach to potential guests
- Schedule guests on pre-designated recording dates
- Send out interview acceptance email with interview details, recording tips, and request assets needed (bio, headshot, freebie, social media handles, etc.)
- Confirm interview with guest prior to interview
- Send out live interview email with graphics and social media caption suggestions
Yes, please! I need help with my podcast!
Schedule your 30 minute Clarity Session today. We will chat about your needs and determine if this is the right package for you. No obligation.